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Pediatric Myopia Control
Controlling the Progression of Myopia in KidsMyopia, or nearsightedness, is increasingly common in the population. It can first show up when you’re a kid, and because the condition can progress, it’s important to control the condition as early as possible. Dr. Coward & Associates has offices where you can see…
Early Symptoms of Macular Dystrophy
Early Symptoms of Macular Dystrophy Macular dystrophy is a rare and serious genetic eye disorder that causes loss of vision, usually over time. The sensitive, professional staff at Dr. Coward & Associates ā€“ located in Belleville, Brighton, and Trenton ā€“ can help you recognize the early symptoms of macular dystrophy….
Eye Floaters
Floaters If you live in the Belleville, Trenton or Brighton areas and are looking for an excellent optometrist, Dr. Coward & Associates is an excellent family resource for optometry services. What Are Floaters? Sometimes, you may notice specks or cobweb-like shapes that appear to reside directly on the front of…